Alix Cordray

Alix Cordray
Grorudveien 16 D
0962 Oslo
Tlf: +47 22 25 29 49
Mobil: +47 91 76 60 51

Semafor Software ANS
Grorudveien 16 D
0962 Oslo
Tel: +47 475 16 925
Alix Cordray, mobil: +47 91 76 60 51

Alix Cordray <>

Full Obituary

Slide Show (61MB)

In Memoriam

Arden Pierce passed away peacefully in her home in Palo Alto on Sept 20, 2021.

A Zoom memorial is planned for Nov 6 at 2 PM PDT (10PM European time).

Register in advance by clicking: Zoom registration. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

There will be a chance to speak during the memorial. It is helpful to let Alix know beforehand. We ask that you keep your contribution to 2-3 minutes.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Planned Parenthood, a Quaker organization, or a folk dance organization of your choice. You can view/sign a guestbook at:

Belozerje's Visit

Norwegian Dances